Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2006     Volumen 31     No 4
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UDK: 614.253(497.11) ISSN 0350-2899 31 (2006) 4 p. 143-147
Original paper

Customer satisfaction with the work of children and youth health protection service of HC "Zvezdara"

Bosiljka Ugrinić-Sklopić, Vesna Bogdanović, Branka Grujić, Radmila Kandić
Dom zdravlja "Zvezdara", Beograd



Subjective indicator of customer satisfaction plays an important role in the evaluation of health protection quality, whereby a patient should not be a "passive observer", but an active participant in the health protection system. GOAL: Evaluation of customer satisfaction with the functioning of the paediatric service of the Health Centre "Zvezdara" and suggestions for the improvement of the quality of work in this domain. METHOD: Anonymous questionnaires filled in after seeing the doctor and put in the available boxes. The subjects of the inquiry were diurnal patients, parents/custodians of the children. RESULTS: 67 (72.8%) of the inquired subjects think that the paediatrician pays sufficient attention to their children, 22 (23.9%) think that the paediatrician occasionally pays attention to their children, whereas 3 (3.3%) of the inquired subjects think that the paediatrician pays no attention to their children. 69 (75%) of the inquired subjects think that they receive sufficient information from the paediatrician on the current health status of their children. 46 (50%) of the inquired subjects are satisfied with their paediatrician, 35 (38%) are quite satisfied, whereas 9 (9.8%) are indeterminate and 2 (2.2%) are quite dissatisfied. CONCLUSION: Pursuant to the analysed data, our customers, the inquired parents/custodians are satisfied with the quality of the health care service and the work of doctors and nurses in the Children and Youth Health Care Service, wherewith we fulfil one of the important prerequisites for achieving the positive effects of health protection.
Key words: Inquiry, parent – active participant, satisfaction.

: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku
Note: full text in Serbian
  Corresponding Address:
Bosiljka Ugrinić-Sklopić
Vojvode Bogdana 21, 11050 Beograd
Tel. (011)407-571, Mob. 063 307-701

Paper received: 27.07.2006.
Paper accepted: 08.09.2006.
Published online: 31.01.2007.
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