Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2006     Volumen 31     No 4
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UDK: 616-089.168-022.1(497.11) ISSN 0350-2899 31 (2006) 4 p. 148-151
Original paper

Study of prevalence of hospital infections in the Health Care Centre of Negotin

Vojislava Stuparević, Srđan Bogicić, Biljana Paraskijević, Biljana Todorović Kazimirović
Zdravstveni centar Negotin



This study was done on the basis of a voluntary participation principle of the Health Care Centre of Negotin as part of the Second National Study of Hospital Infections in the Republic of Serbia, with strict respect of the instructions given in the Definition of Hospital Infections of the Institute of Public Health ‘‘Dr Milan Jovanović - Batut'' and instructions of the Centre for Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the National Expert Commission for Hospital Infections. The objective was identification of epidemiological characteristics, defining of the most common localisations, causes and their resistance to antibiotics, as well as checking the motivation of medical staff for their prevention and control. The Data Collection Team included an epidemiologist, a sanitary technician and the head nurse of the Health Care Centre. 120 patients from 10 riskiest wards were included in this study. During the work, they used the data from the case-history, temperature lists, laboratory and other diagnostic procedures, and personal examination of the patients’ condition and consultations with the doctor. Risk factors were present in 75.83% hospitalised patients; age structure in 65.83% patients, hospitalisation days in 59.17%, presence of catheter (vein or urinal) in 49.17%, surgical intervention in 16.67%, application of immunosuppressive therapy in 2.5% and antibiotic therapy in 36.67% hospitalised patients. Two hospital infections were registered at Pneumophysiology and those were pneumonia (III.1) and pharyngitis (X.1) based on clinical symptoms and prescribed therapy. Data analysis determined the prevalence of 1.67% (national average being 6.3%). Because of not meeting the criteria on hospital infections, some infections could not have been identified as hospital, most often because of the lack of microbiological results.
Key words: Prevalence, hospital infections, risk factors, health surveillance

: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku
Note: full text in Serbian


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  Corresponding Address:
Vojislava Stuparević
Zdravstveni centar Negotin, 19300 Negotin

Paper received: 29.06.2006.
Paper accepted: 20.12.2006.
Published online: 31.01.2007.
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