Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2007     Volumen 32     Number 1
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UDK: 613.952(497.6) ISSN 0350-2899, 32(2007) 1 p. 24-31
Original paper

Infants and excessive crying in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adnan Bajraktarević (1), Lutvo Sporišević (2), Aida Đurđević-Đulepa (3), Hakam Khatib (4), Meliha Hamamdžić (5), Kenan Karavdić (6)
(1) Javna ustanova Kantona Sarajevo, Dom zdravlja - Dom zdravlja Centar Vrazova, Odjel za predškolsku djecu, (2) Hitna pomoć Sarajevo, Odjel za djecu, (3) Opća bolnica Sarajevo, (4) Klinički medicinski centar Univerziteta Sarajevo, Perinatološko-neonatološki odjel, (5) Pedijatrijska klinika Sarajevo - Neonatološki odjel, (6) Klinika za dječiju hirurgiju, Sarajevo



The best definition of excessive crying is "paroxysms of crying for 3or more hours per day for 3 days or more per week during the period of at least 3 weeks". Parents of more than 8,000 infants aged 1 to 6 months (responded in 98.2%) were interviewed on the crying behaviour of their infants in the Bosnian national population of Sarajevo, on the basis of which a study was made in the period July 1993-December 2006. They were always the highest in 1-month-old infants (peak about 40 days). Excessive crying of young infants is a common and often serious problem for parents. The objective of this study was to assess the frequency-prevalence of excessive crying and to identify what various definitions imply for the same children. The results of our study emphasise the necessity to use better comparable definitions in other studies on excessive crying and colic. Prevalence rates of excessive crying varied strongly between definitions from 1.5% to 11.9% and in Bosnia and Herzegovina (8.5%) too. The goals of colic treatment are to decrease the infant's crying, help the family cope and prevent long-term difficulties in the family relationships. No single management strategy has proven to be successful for all infants, thus many advisers recommend trying several strategies at once.
Key Words: infant, excessive crying, colic, parents, interview.

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  Corresponding Address:
Adnan Bajraktarević
Husrefa Redžića 13/7, 71000 Sarajevo
Mob: 0038761/199-526; Fax: 0038733/555-391

Paper received: 1.12.2006.
Paper accepted: 3.3.2007.
Published online: 8.5.2007.
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