Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2007     Volumen 32     Number 1
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UDK:616.248-053.2 ISSN 0350-2899, 32(2007) 1 p. 16-18
Original paper

Frequency of asthma in children with respiratory distress syndrome at birth

Slavica Anđelković, Ljiljana Mihailović, Slavica Veljković, Dejan Anđelković
Zdravstveni centar "Sveti Luka" Smederevo



The results of the clinical prospective study that included 40 examinees are presented. The study lasted for five years and covered the period from 1999 to 2004. The aim of the study was to establish the frequency of asthma in children born during 1999 with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) at birth. During 1999, 1404 babies were born in Smederevo, of which 53 had RDS, which was 3.77%. Our examinees had gestational age of 31-41 weeks and body mass 145-3900 gr. Of this number, 19 were boys and 21 girls. Five years later, we had documentation for 40 children in our dispensary, of 53 children with RDS at birth during 1999. Of this number, there were 13 twin pregnancies, i.e. 24.5%. The results are as follows: permanent asthma had seven children, i.e. 17.5% (4 boys and 3 girls). These children were born from 32th to 35th gestational week (premature newborns). All these children are on continuous prophylactic therapy with inhaled glucocorticoids. Of this number, asthma was verified in both twins in two cases, and in only one twin in two cases. 10 children had occasional asthma, i.e. 25% (7 girls and 3 boys). They use beta-2 agonists only occasionally. Children with occasional asthma were born from 31th to 40th gestational week (premature and mature newborns). In two cases, occasional asthma was diagnosed in both twins, and in two cases in only one twin. Twenty-three children had no asthma in the fifth year of life, i.e. 57.5%. These children were born from 31st to 41st gestational week (premature and mature newborns). There was only one twin pregnancy in these children. Conclusion: frequency of asthma in children with RDS at birth is very high and it is 42.5%. Prevention of premature delivery could be one of the factors for decreasing the frequency of asthma in children, for which it could be said that it has the extent of an "epidemic".
Key words: newborn, RDS, asthma

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  Corresponding Address:
Slavica Anđelković
Zdravstveni Centar "Sveti Luka", 11000 Smederevo, Serbia
Telefon: 026 223 522, lok. 151
E-mail: aurora15@ptt.yu 

Paper received: 16.1.2007.
Paper accepted: 28.3.2007.
Published online: 8.5.2007.
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