Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar
Year 2005     Volumen 30     Number 1
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UDK 616.2-022.7-053.3 ISSN 0350-2899, 30(2005) 1 p. 33-36

RSV infection at infants and toddlers by specially intention
on modern prophylaxis and therapy

Adnan Bajraktarević (1), Lutvo Sporišević (2), Hakam Khatib (3)
(1) Dom zdravlja Centar Sarajevo - Dispanzer za predškolsku djecu,
(2) Hitna pomoć Sarajevo - Odjel za djecu,
(3) Ginekološko-akušerska klinika KMC Sarajevo, Odjel za neonatologiju i perinatologiju



  Summary: The objective of this article is to present the importance of RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) infection and new approaches in treatment and prophylaxis. RSV is the most common cause of infections in neonates and suckling babies. Groups with high risk: preterm babies, neonates with immunodeficiency, heart failure, underweight and chronic pulmonal disease (ex. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) etc.) need prevention. The best prophylaxis is vaccination, but it is still being developed and researched. RSV-IGIV passive prophylaxis (specific hyperimmune RSV immune globulin) and Palivizumab monoclonal antibody for intramuscular use are very useful and beneficial. They reduce the number of hospitalization days, i.e. duration of illness, severity of reinfection, mortality and disease development. The best antivirotic today is Ribavirin which is inhaled for three or seven days, thus significantly improving clinical symptoms and reducing disease duration and complications as well.
Key words: RSV infection, prophylaxis, RSV-IGIV, Palivizumab, therapy, Ribavirin.

Note: full text in Serbian
Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku
  Corresponding Address:
Adnan Bajraktarević
Husrefa Redžića 13/7
Bosna i Hercegovina, 71000 Sarajevo
mob:0038761-199526, fax: 0038733-555391
  Paper received: 29.12.2004.
Paper accepted: 22.02.2005.
Published online: 30.04.2005.
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