Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar
Year 2003     Volumen 28     Number 3-4
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UDK 616.22-006.04-089.85-06 ISSN 0350-2899, 28(2003) 3-4 p.61-65
Original paper

Treatment of pharyngocutaneous fistulas in pateients after laryngectomy

Miodrag Mitić, Zoran Dimić
Klinika za bolesti uva, nosa i grla, Klinički centar, Niš

Retrospective study for the period from January 1997 to December 2001 was performed in order to establish the incidence of pharyngocutaneous fistulas, to emphasize the causes of their origin and complexity of their treatment.
The investigation comprised 124 patients operated for laryngeal malignant tumours in the mentioned time lapse in ENT Clinic in Nis. All the findings were clinically and patohistologically verified.
Pharyngocutaneous fistula developed in 17 patients, or 13,71%, from the total number of operated patients (124). All the fistulas were formed after total larygectomies, and there were no fistulas after partial operations. Miocutaneous flaps gave the best results of fistula treatment. Minimal fistulas formed after 7-8 days after laryngectomy were closed spontaneously. The treatment of pharyngocutaneous fistulas is complex and prolonged.
Key words: pharyngocutaneous fistula, total laryngectomy, miocutaenous flap
  Correspodence to:
Miodrag Mitić
Ohridska 7, 18000 Niš
Serbia and Montenegro
  Received: 7. VII 2003.
Accepted: 22. X 2003.
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